Overview map

Get an overview of hiking trails, excursion destinations as well as restaurants, restaurants and cafés around the Zeulenroda Meer.

Hiking in six stages

The dam trail of 48 km leads around the Zeulenroda and Weida dams. If you don't want to hike so far, you can explore smaller stages on circular routes:

Zeulenrodaer Meer 19 km

Bio Seehotel ca 7 km

Staudammblick 5,5 km

Pisselsmühe 9 km

Vorsperre Riedelmühle 3 km

to eat and drink

  1. Restaurant "Strandhaus da Rosario"
  2. Restaurant "Bergschlösschen"
  3. Restaurant „Zum Goldenen Stern“
  4. Patisserie Bergmann


and many other dining rooms, restaurants and cafes around the Zeulenroda Meer


Within walking distance from the hotel

  1. Boat rental Quingenberg
  2. Waikiki Badewelt
  3. Tiergehege

Directly at the Bio-Seehotel



Dates available for lunch buffet in 2024.

Booked on 036628 98 107/-108 or reservierung@bio-seehotel-zeulenroda.de

Tel.: 036628 98-107/108
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